Episode 294

294. The case for loaded spinal flexion, with Raphael Bender

Why are we still hanging on to the idea of neutral spine in the Pilates world? It's not even part of Pilates, and it's certainly not science-based. Plus, it's just plain illogical.

Resources mentioned in the episode:

  • You can bias lower abs from upper abs by doing posterior pelvic tilt vs ab curl here
  • People with LBP lift with LESS flexion in their lumbar spine here
  • There was low-quality evidence that greater lumbar spine flexion during lifting was not a risk factor for LBP onset/persistence or a differentiator of people with and without LBP here
  • Spine posture in general has not been shown to be a causal factor in LBP according to a systematic review of systematic reviews in 2020 here

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Raphael Bender